Sunday, August 16, 2009

I Mum Mum Pan Mee

I Mum Mum板面是我想去试很久了,不过一直都没有机会,上个周末终于和爸妈一起去了。不过因为我这只贪睡猪,平时上班的时候,晚上又舍不得早睡,隔天又得一大早爬起身来,难得周末,当然抓紧机会,睡个痛快!所以,午餐时间是下午两点。I Mum Mum的营业时间只是到下午三点,我们到那边的时候,也差不多要收档了,原本爸爸想要点的炸肉板面也卖完了。我们分别点了辣椒板面,炸酱板面(粗和幼的面条),树仔菜汤和水饺。辣椒板面属于比较干身的,没有什么酱汁。之前看过阿贤介绍过的一家板面,辣椒板面再加上一颗半生熟蛋,感觉“滋润”多了,我想老板娘可以效仿他人之处,那么吃起来应该会更可口。炸酱板面就蛮不错的,两种面条搭配起来都好吃,很多吃过的人大多推荐幼的板面,不过我倒觉得粗的可以吃出板面的滑顺。树仔菜是吃板面不可或缺的,既然我们没有点汤面,就叫一碗树仔菜汤来试试。其实树仔菜是非常简单的一种蔬菜,本身只带有一点点味道,不过有时候简单就是美味。水饺的内陷有猪肉和虾,味道呢,唔。。。还OK。
I've been thinking to patronize this shop for quite some times,yet didn't meet the right time until last Saturday. I went there with parents at 2p.m. to have our lunch due to my unwillingness to wake up during the lovely weekend. =p I was such a "sleepy pig"!I'm always relunctant to go for bed during weekdays and yet I have to wake up early in the morning to work. So definiely I would grab the weekend opportunity to sleep as much as I could. lolz~
I Mum Mum closed at 3p.m., so when the time we reached there, it's almost time. The crispy pork pan mee is finished when dad planned to order.So for the 1st visit, we tried spicy pan mee, minced pork pan mee with special sauce(both thick and thin pan mee),"money" vege and dumpling. The spicy pan mee was my order, it's a bit dry for my liking. The astro host, Ah Xian interviewed a pan mee shop before which they also have this spicy pan mee but additional with a half boiled egg. The boss of this pan mee shop could try this recipe, I reckon that it will turn out to be more delicious. Minced pock pan mee with special sauce is indeed very both thick and thin pan mee. Many people that tried before mostly recommend the thin pan mee, but I personally think that we can taste the smooth texture from the thick one. "Money" vege is simple yet nice...while the dumpling with pork and shrimp filling taste OK.
Located at Macallum Road, Penang

5 varieties

辣椒板面-Spicy Pan Mee,(小)RM3.20

炸酱板面-Minced Pork with special sauce,(小)RM3.50

树仔菜-"Money" vege,RM1.00


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