That is also my shopping day for cny beauty battle, hence I have Up Up superb happy mood to doll up myself to start the good day!
I never like my side face, but surprisingly I starting to like it with this one. *Grin*

Ooooh~the sunlight from the windscreen was too bright, I look odd. =P Doesn't much look like myself in this pic huh~?

It was a long queue when we reached. Oh no....this will ate up my shopping time!! Luckily the queue shrinked in a short time =)

He likes Wasabi~~!

Smoke salmon and can't remember what is in this tofu crust

Soft shell crab

Teriyaki chicken so for me

UNAGI!!! our all-time-favourite *muaks*

x x x
It was also his dad's birthday few days ahead. Happy Birthday to uncle~~once again! =D

I brought this and hug it into sleep all the way from penang to kl. It's very heavy!!

The inner look of the fruit flan cake. I like the custard filling...=) but the mold was too small ended up my cake was so tiny yet high! haha~

thank you my dear for the sweet sweet fruit cake!