It's Friday again!! I bought a pack of chicken wings in a hypermarket few days ago. It's kinda cheap, 8 wings just cost me about 6 bucks. However, I didn't notice the expiry date. It's TODAY! No wonder it's so cheap. Luckily no need to work on weekends, so I decided to settle it tonight.
I cooked the wings in 2 different ways. First of all, I seasoned the little drumstick part with some oyster sauce, soya sauce, sugar and etc., then just fried it.The wings part need more work on it. I take out the bones, seasoned, and fill with cheese, kind of thread it up with toothpick, then fried it as well. This is my very first time on this dish. The greedy me fiil in too much cheese in the wings, it ends up some of the cheese oozing out from the wings. Luckily, the outcomes is not too bad. Since the wings dish takes me lots of work, I chose to prepare an easy one for the next dish. Fly the vege with hot water, display it on a plate, applying some oyster sauce and top with fried garlic and oil, this is what we called "yao choi". And my dinner is done!




